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Pastor Terrell has been serving the Jordan neighborhood with Beacon of Hope Church for 5 years, and he has a passion to bring hope through the truth of God's Word to all who are seeking.  As a former gang leader who spent 10 years in the Federal Penitentiary, Terrell knows firsthand the effects of a life lived without Christ.  During his incarceration he came to know his gracious Savior who loves to choose the "least of these" for His grand purposes, and upon release from prison, Terrell placed himself among healthy believers who could hold him accountable and train him up in God's Word and ways. He is a living testimony of God's desire and ability to transform a life from brokenness to beauty. He places Bible teaching and prayer at the heart of every ministry at Beacon of Hope and longs for every one to see Jesus Christ clearly and receive the gift of salvation that changes everything.

It is evident, upon walking in the doors of Beacon of Hope, that all are loved and celebrated. The Spirit of Christ empowers every minister, teacher, and servant to love as He loves. This love comes in a variety of packages: free community meals, food and clothing distribution, youth groups, a coffee house, weekly discipleship and prayer meetings, one on one support, and Sunday evening church. Pastor Terrell and his gifted leadership team invite you to experience God as He reaches out His hand of hope to the Jordan neighborhood of North Minneapolis.

Terrell Walter

Beacon of Hope Evangelical Church | 2827 Newton Ave. N | Minneapolis, MN 55411 | Phone: 612-521-8777 | E-mail:

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